Through their groundbreaking research, women in Irish universities have uncovered some of the significant inequities that still exist in a range of areas from industry to research funding. EURAXESS Ireland celebrates International Women’s Day by recognising women in research.
Here are two examples of women who came to Ireland with the help of EURAXESS Ireland...
In 2018 I went for three months’ placement in a Pharmaceutical company, Chlorochem Ltd. in Dublin, was a good experience during my PhD to become acquainted with the Irish pharmaceutical industry. As an international student, the internship gave me a good idea of the relevance and applicability of scientific research and working in a European country.
Finding international friends during study is very valuable. I found myself more open mind after sharing the cultures and ideas with my international friends. We also had many food parties to share international cuisine. We went to many memorable trips and having fun together!
I also have a hobby that doesn’t depend on the weather! I found Irish castle and scenery very nice to paint. At the first it was just as a hobby for me but I got very good impressions from others! I encouraged by my friends and even colleagues to start art marketing and many of my paintings got sold:
I graduated in January 2020. Receiving my doctoral degree was a significant accomplishment amd I am very proud of this.
You can also see our stories from International Women's Day 2019