Researcher Career Development Tools & Supports
This section contains tools and supports to help you to plan your professional & personal development.
Why self-directed career development?
1. No framework exists that would encompass every type of research career so our approach to career development is self-directed by necessity.
2. Self-directed career and professional development is the most effective in producing the results that we want, i.e. researchers making informed decisions regarding their own future.
3. Self-assessment exercises promote self-awareness and a better understanding of yourself, assisting you to identify what you want professionally.
Network Contacts
IUA Research Career Framework
The Irish Universities Association (IUA) has taken the initiative to bring forward a national framework to support the achievement of the national policy objective to optimise the impact of the human capital developed in our research system, and is the basis for the Innovation 2020 Action (No. 3.10), to “Develop a coherent national policy on structured progression for researchers”.
What effect will the Researcher Careers Framework have when implemented?
- It will enhance the mobility of researchers for a variety of careers in the public and private sector in research and non-research roles.
- It will provide consistent terms and conditions for research across the system independent of source of funding.
- It will enable the achievement of Innovation 2020 and European Research Area (ERA) goals for researchers in Ireland.
University Research Salary Scales/Guidelines
The IUA Researcher Salary Guidelines provide guidance to universities when hiring researchers. It is important to stress that they are not compulsory and have no legal basis.
The categories were developed in conjunction with universities’ policy on researcher careers. They have been adopted as guidelines by most national agencies in their funding programmes. They take cognisance of national wage and pension developments in the context of the public sector.
Download the Salary Scales here.